Sunt activ pe blog, deci exist / I blog therefore I am

The Management Blog

… represents a place for communicating, sharing and learning. We encourage all people interested in management theory and practice to read and contribute to the blog. In this way we can pass the knowledge, we can influence a better management of organizations and people and therefore better results.

The subjects that we address are all part of the wider management field: from marketing to operations, from sales to supply chain, from IT to finance and HR, from strategy to execution, from business to not for profit, etc.

We open the debate with two posts related to recent developments in telecom and retail:

We hope you’ll enjoy the reading.

If you are interested in becoming a discussion initiator please give us a call. If you want to subscribe or contribute please use the registration facility. Please consult also the “About The Management Blog” page to find out more about its aim and about some principles and recommendations for contributing and collaborating using this platform.

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