Dimensiunea Umană a Managementului / Human Side of Management

“The old adage according to which people are the most important asset is wrong. People are not your most important asset. The right people are.” states Jim Collins in „Good to Great”. The question is how can we transform our people into the right people?

If managers agree and believe in the above statements, then this program is about helping them transforming their managerial role into one that takes more into consideration the human side of their work. The program is not about HR systems, practices and instruments. Rather it is about the human factors, interactions and relationships at work and how they can contribute to the success of managers, their people and their organizations.

The subjects addressed during the program are:
1. Individual styles and values
2. The manager’s role
3. Assessment, selection and recruitment
4. Adherence and integration
5. Discussing performance
6. Motivation for results
7. Recognition and reward
8. Personal development
9. Coaching and support

“The Human Side of Management” is part of the Management suite of training programs that includes the following titles:

  • The Human Side of Management – Managing With the Heart
  • Management for Success – Managing Your Team
  • How to be Effective at Work – Managing Yourself

You can find more information about these training programs by visiting our site at: http://www.rosscon.ro/en/training/. Please contact us to find out how can we cover the specific needs for developing the managerial skills within your company.

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